Module 6: Parenting Tool video #10 The CAN do Plan

Have you ever caught yourself in a cycle of saying no, don't and stop that to your child? Do you have particular errands or outings that feel particularly stressful because your child seems to always "act out" or behave in very unhelpful ways?

What if instead of saying NO and CAN't all the time there would be a way to help children WANT to follow our requests?

Can DO plans help you do just that!

A CAN DO plan is a way to think about your expectations and your child abilities to invite more cooperation into your interactions.

Can do plans can be used at home (for example during a bed time routine) or out of the home (like going to a playgroup or grocery store).

The aim of a can do plan is to focus on what you expect your child to do or what your child is welcome to do instead of thinking about all those no's and don'ts.

Listen in below for more on creating a CAN DO plan with your child.

You can also download and keep a CAN DO plan printable below.

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